How does Affimatic work?

  • First you need an Amazon Affiliate API key: Affimatic search and updates the products in the Amazon Rest API.
  • Buy the Affimatic Amazon Affiliate plugin for WordPress
  • You’ll get a link to download the plugin as a zip file
  • You can then easily install your plugin in your WordPress site
  • Affimatic is a simple block that you can access in the block editor page with a recent WordPress installation
  • You can can use Affimatic as any block

Rendering delay:

You can adjust the delay for the loading of the affimatic block after complete loading of the page.

This unique feature has two purposes:

  • Best user experience: your page is loaded before loading the images of the affiliate blocks
  • Bots (included Google search) don’t see your affiliate links

See the documentation to see all features.